Training Calendar

My training week starts on Monday and runs through Sunday.

Friday, November 19, 2010


20 lap swim (1km) and a 20 mile run followed by an ab workout. I am down to 209lbs at the scale in the gym.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Tonight I ran 2.73 miles. It went pretty well considering I am still a little sore from the triathlon on Sunday. Then I did an ab workout afterwards.

The triathlon race results were also posted today. I placed 6th out of 23 people.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I finished my first triathlon. The official results are not released yet but I think I did pretty well. I swam 10 laps in the pool in 10 minutes, biked somewhere between 16-17 miles in 30 minutes and ran 2.33 miles in 20 minutes.

I think this might have been one of the most tiring things I have ever done. The biking was really exhausting and I could feel it when I started my run.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ride and Run

Yesterday I rode for 18 minutes and ran for 12 minutes.

Today I am taking the day off in preparation for my first triathlon tomorrow. I need to swim 10 minutes, ride 30 minutes, and run 20 minutes.

I feel as thought I am ready to go but I gotta get up really early.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Slacking off

I had about a week off while I was busy remodeling my kitchen, but that is almost done and I am getting back in the swing.

I swam a half a mile last night and ran 2.4 miles tonight.

Monday, November 1, 2010

2 mile run......

So I ran 2 miles today, then I had to rush home because my granite installation was ready. They said they weren't going to be here until 12 but they showed up at 11. Good thing I run with my iphone :)