Training Calendar

My training week starts on Monday and runs through Sunday.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A couple updates

On Monday, I did back and legs. Pretty tough day full of lunges and pullups. I can defintely tell my butt, quads and back are getting a lot stronger though.

On Tuesday, I took my first reset day in 13 days. Normally that would have been a cardio day, but it felt good to have a day off.

Last night, we had softball. I hit 2 triples, so that was my running for the day.

This morning before my flight, I got up and did chest and back. This includes a lot of pushups and pullups. Gonna be sore tomorrow. My luggage feels extra heavy now because my back is tired.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A couple days behind

On Wednesday, I was supposed to have a rest day but I played softball instead.

On Thursday morning, I woke up and went to the gym before work. I did P90X chest and back workout followed by ab ripper. It was a good start to the day.

On Friday, I did an hour of Plyometrics and my legs were toast after that. I was actually worried that my runs and rides this weekend would be pretty difficult because of that.

On Saturday, I definitely could tell my legs were a little tired but still managed to run 2.14 miles. Then

On Sunday, I got up and went for an ~18 mile bike using my dad's bike. It is about 20 years old it wasn't exactly fit for me so it made the ride a little tough. Then I ran 2.5 miles. I felt like the run was slow, but GPS says I ran near 8 min/miles which is pretty typical after riding. I ran on the track near Jefferson Middle School in Fort Wayne at my parents house.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Legs Galore

Yesterday, I did the P90X Leg and Back workout, which consists of far too many lunges. I followed that up with ab ripper. Overall my legs were completely toast and walking to my car was pretty rough.

However, that didn't hold me back today. I followed that ridiculous leg workout up with a long bike ride. I did a 22 mile ride in 1:30.

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Work Out Regimen

In light of a couple schedule changes for this summer I have adjusted my work out schedule quite a bit and I have been doing this schedule for almost a week now. I will be doing P90X again for the most part but cutting out the Yoga as it is far too boring for me to do. I will also be cutting out the other Cardio workouts from P90X except for Plyometrics in lieu of my own cardio workouts.

My workout week starts on Thursdays:
This past Thursday, I start off with the Chest and Back P90X workout.
On Friday, I did Plyometrics
On Saturday, I did 10 minutes of stairs, followed by the Shoulders and Arms P90X Workout, Followed by a 1.14 mile run on the treadmill.
This morning, instead of Yoga X, I rode my bike for 10 miles:

Then I ran for a very difficult and hot 1.37 miles.

Mondays, will be Leg and Back days.
Tuesdays, will be cardio days, biking/running/swimming
Wednesdays are supposed to be rest/stretch days, but those will be softball days for the summer.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Long time, No see

Haven't posted on here in a long time due to several reasons. But needless to say I sprained my ankle just after the last half marathon and then I decided that I will not be doing the Lawrence half iron man (it is the same weekend as my sister's graduation and she gets priority).

But anyways, I ran 5 miles yesterday. Today, I went to the gym and got in a pretty good lift. For the first time in a long time I concentrated on big bulk strength building instead of lean and tone muscle. I think I will continue to do that from now on.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Couple Workouts

On Saturday, I set out with the intent of doing 13.1 miles outside. I ended up doing 9.1 outside before it started raining in the 50 degree weather. At that point I was close to home, so I drove to the gym and finished the other 4 miles on the treadmill.

Tonight, it was really nice out albeit a little windy. I started off biking 13.69 miles. My tired popped at about 8.5 miles and I had to make a quick change so that was pretty lame. I guess thats what I get for not dodging a giant metal sheet covering a pothole in the middle of the road. The stupid car ahead of me was blocking it though so I couldn't even see it coming :(.

Then I ran 6.26.

As usual the ride and run were both pretty hilly, not to mention fairly windy. Overall they were both pretty tough but very good.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good Weather to Ride and Run Outside

Tonight, the temperature was in the 60s and I was able to get a 13.48 mile bike ride.

Then I still had to get in a 6+ mile run and managed to do 6.83 mile run in just over an hour.

I had forgotten how hilly Lee's Summit can be and it sure is a pain in the button to ride/run through. At the same time it is really great for training though.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

St Patricks Run with Shari

Today I did the St. Patricks Day run with Shari. It was 4 miles long and the goal was for Shari to finish in under an hour. Needless to say, she broke through goal with flying colors. We finished the run in 57:07.

It was pretty awesome and here are some photos to prove it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Out with the Old, In with the New

This morning I gave my shoes there last run. They gave it their all and I got in an awesome run this morning.

Yesterday, I got my new running shoes. I wore them around the office today and will wear them the rest of this weekend to break them in before running on Monday. Black and Gold for Purdue!

Good Morning Sunshine

Got up at 5:00am this morning. I ate a cliff bar and drank 2 glasses of water. Then I got dressed to run and drove to the gym. I started running and felt a little tired until I hit the 4 mile mark. Then it all felt easy. After 10.4 miles the treadmill stopped working and said "ERR!" on the screen so I switched to another one. I ran 1.6 miles on that one for a total run of 12 miles this morning. I did it in 1:45:46, and for the last 6 miles I had an incline of .5(? units). I think I will be adding more inclines to my treadmills runs. I already get the hills outside but I need them inside as well.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Easy Run

I ran 6.8 miles tonight in just under an hour. These runs keep getting easier and easier for me as I continue to add intervals and lifting. Afterwards, I did a little core work but for the most part kept it light. Tomorrow I will be taking the day off, in preparation for a couple tough workouts ahead, including a 12 mile run on Friday morning, followed by a 4 mile stroll on Saturday with Shari.

A Few Posts Behind

On Monday, I set a new record by running a 10k in 51:40. I did intervals for this run after a 2 mile warmup. Afterwards, I did my normal lifting routine.

Last night I swam 1.2 miles. I did intervals during the last half mile of my swim. Every other length, I swam "faster".

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mini triathlon

This morning, as intended I got up and swam, biked and ran. I swam 1 mile to start off and I felt really strong for the entire swim. I think I finished it in about 30 minutes which is a great time for that swim. Then I went to spin class. Again, the whole ride felt really strong and easy. When the instructor said to take rest breaks, I always turned up the resistance and simulated a hill.

Then I hit the treadmill but pretty quickly realized my right achilles and calf shooting a sharp pain on impact with the treadmill. I wanted to get in a 5k but instead settled for 1.3 miles. I think things were a little sore because I need my new shoes and I ran 11.5 miles yesterday.

I ran 25.37 miles this week, so overall a pretty good week anyways. Tomorrow will be a lift and swim day.

Friday, March 4, 2011

When the weather outside is frightful......

Stay inside and crush it on the treadmill. I have given up trying to figure out how the treadmill will allow me to run more than an hour continuously. Once I hit the 1 hour mark, I need to completely stopped the treadmill and let it reset so I can start again. It takes about 10-15 seconds for it to get back going again but its pretty annoying.

Anyways, tonight was a very good run. I ran 11.48 miles in 1:38:56. This was an excellent run with excellent time. I average a pace of 8:37 min/mile. The run felt great and I am glad I took another day off yesterday to really get my hamstring back up to par. I can tell my calves are straining a little bit, but I think that just means my shoes are wearing out. I have new ones coming on Monday so that should add some relief.

Then I got in a really good lift afterwards. Things felt good all over especially in all my core muscle groups, which is really important.

Tomorrow, I am getting up by about 7 for a 30-40 minute swim, then hitting spin class at 8:30 and finishing strong with a 5k run. This will be the first back-to-back-to-back brick I have done in quite a while. Even thought I had a pretty major workout tonight, I think it will be a good indication of where I stand right now. I personally feel as thought my swimming and running are way ahead of schedule but my biking is a little behind. Its hard to get in longer rides when I can't really ride outside.

Oh and in case anyone cares, I managed to run 15 times for a total of 83 miles last month.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not so injured

After taking a rest day yesterday, I ran 6.5 miles tonight and lifted. The run started off with a 2 mile warmup, followed by intervals. I ran 2 minutes at 6.8 mph and then 2 min at 7.3 mph back and forth until the end of the run.

It felt a lot better than Monday. My hamstring was just a little sore and that caused a lot of issues running. Tomorrow morning, I intend on getting up for 530 spin and then swimming after that.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A little injured

Tonight, I had a little tightness/soreness in my right hamstring. I still managed to get my 6 mile run in though even though it didn't feel as easy as my run on Saturday was.

Then I did a pretty normal lift, with lots of extra stretching, especially in my legs.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Swim and Spin

I swam 1 mile primarily working on form. I definitely notice the swims getting easier as I continue to improve my overall strength. Then I went to spin class, which I also found to be pretty easy overall.

In all today's workout seemed a little "easy" in comparison with what I thought it would be. That must be a good thing right?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Easy 10 miles

I slept in a little this morning but woke up and hit the gym around 11. I started my 10.5 mile run on the treadmill and realized after a couple miles that it was really easy so far. I was cruising right along at 6.8 mph until the 7th mile. Then I increased it to 7 mph for miles 7 and 8. Then I pushed it up to 7.5 mph for the last mile and a half. This run felt tremendously easy and I felt like I could have done a few more miles with ease. I finished 10.53 miles in 1:30:54 with a pace of 8:38/mile. I am still well ahead of the 2 hour half marathon race goal.

After I finished the run, I continued my workout by getting in my normal lift routine for about an hour. Today's workout was a really good workout.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Buffets are no good

I had intentions of running 10 miles tonight. However, I made the mistake of thinking that I could have a chinese buffet for lunch and still be able to run.

Shortly upon starting the run, I realized it was going to be a little tougher than normal. By mile 3, I knew it was all over and I would have to do the 10 mile run tomorrow. In any event, I got a 5k run in.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Spin and Swim

This morning, I woke up at 5am and went over to the gym. I started off with an hour of spin class and then swam a mile in the pool.

I have about 36 hours of rest now before my next workout.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2 workouts in 12 hours

Last night, I hooked my bike back up to the trainer and rode for 1 hour and 20 min.

This morning, I got up at 5am and went to the gym. I started off running 6 miles. I did a 2 mile warmup followed my interval training with 2 min at 6.8 mph and then 2 min at 7.3 mph. I ended up averaging 8:32 a mile so that was a pretty good run. Then I followed it up with lifting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Double the swim, same lift, half the run

Saturday's workout was pretty intense but so was tonights. I reversed the order from Saturday and then changed it up a little bit.

I started off swimming a whole mile. It felt pretty good albeit still a little sore from Saturday. Then I started my lift which included all the normal leg work, before starting my run. I managed to run 5 miles in 44:31. It felt a little rough, mostly I think because of the chlorine feeling all over my body but the squats and box jumps could have also played a major factor.

In all, tonight was a great workout and another great step forward in my triathlon training.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Great Day for working out

I woke up this morning ready to get out and run. The temperature was in the 50s, it was pretty overcast and it was slightly windy. I started off my run by doing a 5 mile loop just west of my house. That brought me back home, to get some water and continue along on my run. I then hit the 5 mile loop just east of my house. Overall, I managed to cover 10.23 miles in 1:29:43. My pace was 8:46 a mile with a fastest single mile time being 8:06 for my first mile. If was able to continue this pace, which I think I could, I would finish the half marathon in 1:55:13. That is a great time for me as my last half marathon was 1:59:01. The course I ran today had an excellent amount of hills for practice with a total elevation change of 144 feet.

When I got home, I felt tired but not tired enough to the point where I was ready to be done. I drove to the gym where I proceeded to do a complete lift and a half mile swim. I spent the last 2 hours in recovery mode as it seems my 3 hours of total workout time today was a little exhausting. Now I feel excellent though and I will continue to stretch the remainder of the day and tomorrow. Tomorrow, will be a great rest day and my first day off in about a week and half.

Monday I pick up my Nike+ half marathon training program with a 5 mile run and something else to add into my triathlon training.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Warmer Bike Ride

I got home in time to see some weather with a temperature over 50 degrees. I also had about 40 minutes until sunset which gave me just enough time to get in a 9 mile ride.

Cold Run

I got up this morning and put on some warm weather attire. It was about 35 degrees and very cold. I still managed to get a 2.5 mile run in. My hands were freezing though so I decided to opt out of biking this morning. I think biking at 2-3x the speed of my run would have caused frostbite for my fingers. Depending on the weather and time I get out of work today, I still might manage to get in my ride tonight.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tough Workout

Tonight was a really tough workout. I got in a really good lift including increases in bench, pullups, and situps. I finished the lift doing pullups before I jumped in the pool. Needless to say, that made the swim a lot harder than ever before. I managed to get in my mile swim but it seemed a little slower than normal as my shoulders and arms were a little tired already.

Tomorrow, I am hoping to get up early and get in a 2 mile run and a 9-10 mile bike ride outside before work.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2 more days down

Yesterday, I woke up early and got a good lift in in the morning. I continued to do everything I have been doing, but have also added more back work, hip work(abductors and adductors), box jumps, as well as the kettlebell.

Tonight, I finally got my Dad's trainer all set up and running with my bike. I managed to bike for an hour while watching Purdue stomp all over Wisconsin. Then I put on some warm clothes and ran a 5k outside. IT was really nice to get outside. The weather was nice, probably in the 50s.

Tomorrow I am thinking about getting up early to swim and lift in the morning, but we will see how I feel when I wake up.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Great Swim, Fantastic Run

Tonight I started off by swimming 3/4 mile. I felt really good like I was just gliding through the water.

Then I hit the treadmill where I ran 5 miles. It was easily one of my best runs this year. I ran it at race pace and never felt like I was tired. My heart rate was at a pretty consistent 140 bpm and it only took it a minute to drop down to 120 when I finished the run.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No Cardio Today

Today was an off day from cardio but that didn't mean I took it easy. I spent an hour lifting mostly doing core work. Back and abs are sore right now and will be even more sore when I wake up in the morning.

Tomorrow I start a pretty run heavy week that culminates in a 10 mile run this weekend.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Back to Back workouts

Last night, I swam 1.2 miles in 42 minutes. I followed that up with a pretty good lift. I worked out abs, back, chest, biceps, triceps, and legs. It felt pretty good to get the lift in right after swimming.

Today, I woke up early and got in a 5.25 mile run in 42:43 before spin class. Then I went to spin and it went very well.

I was hoping to get outside today but there is still a lot of snow on the ground. It is supposed to get up to 60 today so I hope the snow melts and I can get outside tomorrow!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Mile Run

Tonight, I got in a really great run. I ran 5 miles. I managed to run the entire time between 7 and 8 mph averaging right around 7.3 mph.

A Couple Updates

I took Sunday and Monday off as I was traveling and sore from the 8 mile run.

On Tuesday, I swam 1/2 mile and ran 4 miles. Then last night I did spin class and lifted.

Tonight I plan on getting in a 5 mile run.

This week is a pretty light recovery week overall.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Long Run

Today, I managed to get in an 8 mile run and then proceeded to lift afterwards.

This means I am right on track for my half marathon on April 2nd and I think things are looking really good for the half iron man in June.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Recovery Workout Day

Today was pretty light in lieu of yesterday's crazy workout. I only ran 2 miles just to get warmed up before lifting. Then I hopped in the pool and got in a half mile swim.

Tomorrow will be a rest day while I fly to Lexington to visit Shari. On Saturday, we will be heading to her gym where they have an indoor track. I love running on the indoor track so much more than the treadmills.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Soooo Tired Now

After a day of rest yesterday, I made it to the gym tonight. I started off with a strong spin class. Then I hit the treadmill with the mindset of running 6 miles. Instead I ended up running 7 at race pace. My plan will be to run between 9 and 9:15 per mile. Needless to say, this had to be one of the most tiring workouts I have done so far in my training and I am thoroughly exhausted now.

I plan on going back to the gym tomorrow, there is a spin class at 5:30am but I do not think I will be up in time for that. I am hoping to get in some combination of light running, lifting, and swimming.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Swim Time Trial

Tonight I managed to get in a lift (abs, chest, biceps, triceps, squats, hamstrings, calf raises). That didn't take too long but then I hit the pool.

The goal for tonight was to swim 42 laps. The pool at the gym is 25 yards so I swam 2100 yards or 1.19 miles. It took me right around 47 minutes. I think that was a pretty good time for the first time ever swimming over a mile.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Workouts

This weekend was nice and busy full of training.

On Saturday, I woke up nice and early to get in the pool before spin class started at 830. I managed to swim a half mile in about 20 minutes and then went to spin class for an hour.

Then today, I woke up at 8 to get ready for the Groundhog Run 10k race. I ran the race with an official time of 54:42. I felt really good during the run and got more comfortable as I went. I managed to keep my last mile and a half pretty faster averaging about 8 min/mile for that period.

Friday, January 28, 2011

10k Practice

Tonight was a great running night. I managed to get in a 10k run in preparation for Sunday. I know I shouldn't have run that far tonight but it overall it was good to get the miles in. Then I did an ab workout, chest, biceps and tricep lift.

I ended up taking yesterday off and just stretching as I was fairly sore from Wednesday events. Tomorrow, I plan to go to the gym in the morning and get in a swim and then go to spin class. I Just got the cleats for the spin bikes at 24 hour fitness so I can try those out tomorrow.

Then on Sunday, it will be time to run like a groundhog at the Groundhog Run 10k up north.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Triathlon Practice

Tonight, I showed up a little late to get my swim in before spin class, so I had to start off with 50 minutes of spin. Then I followed that up with a 20 minute, 2.3 mile run. After finishing the run, I hit the pool and managed to get a half mile swim in.

Overall it was a pretty good night spending right about 2 hours at the gym.

Tomorrow I plan on waking up for spin class at 530 and then lifting after that. But we will see what my body says in 6 hours.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rise and Shine 5 miler

I woke up early this morning and hit the gym at 6. I started off by running 5 miles and then did my lift routine. It consisted of abs, bench, bicep curls, tricep extensions, squats, leg extensions and calf raises.

I am feeling pretty great this morning.

Monday, January 24, 2011

1 Mile Swim

Tonight, I swam 1 mile without stopping. It felt like one of my best swims ever.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pool Closed

The pools was closed for maintenance today, so I ran 2.5 miles and then got in a lift.

Tomorrow, I plan on doing a long swim. I am thinking at least 1 mile.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ride and Run

Today was a great workout. I did 45 min of spin class which probably equated out to somewhere between 15 and 18 miles. Then I ran 5 miles. This was definitely the biggest back to back workout I have done yet.

Tomorrow I will be looking forward to a 3/4 mile swim, lifting and some amount of running(at least 20 min).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Need some rest tomorrow

The last 2 days have been really good workouts and I am pretty much ready for the rest day tomorrow.

Yesterday, I started off swimming a half mile, then I proceeded to lift and worked chest, biceps, triceps, squats, leg extensions, calf raises and abs. Then I finished by running for 20 minutes

Today, I started off running 3 miles and then swam 5/8 mile.

Needless to say, I might get some pretty good rest tonight and tomorrow and be ready to hit it hard again on Saturday.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2 more good workouts

Last night, I started off on the rowing machine for 8 minutes. Then I started my weight routine consisting of abs, chest, biceps, triceps, squats, leg extensions, calf raises. Then I finished up in the pool by swimming 3/8 mile.

This morning I got up early and hit the treadmill. I ran 3 miles. It was a little tough and slow, I think mainly because it was 630am and I hadn't run that distance in over a month. But regardless, I will continue to increase my distance as I prepare for the IU Half Marathon with Mike in April. At least I feel pretty confident that I can run the groundhog run next weekend.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good Weekend Workouts

Yesteday was a good workout. Kyle aka Deester came to the gym and worked out with me. I ran 2.27 miles and continued my new lifting regime. I woke up this morning a little sore so I skipped the morning workout in lieu of an afternoon workout.

I got to the gym today and ran 1.75 miles, rowed for 6 minutes and then swam a half mile.

This weekends workouts were a pretty big win in returning to the gym after illness. I also managed to find some nice bike shoes on clearance at Dick's for 45$ and I ordered cleats from amazon. My dad will be sending me his old trainer and I am going to start riding in my house until the until the roads no longer have snow on them.

The half iron man is looking a little bleak right now, but I am not ruling it out until I run the half marathon at IU with Mike in April, where I will be able to judge my fitness level.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Light day

Got in a light 1 mile run, rowed on the rowing machine for 6 minutes, and then swam .25 miles.

My arms and back are pretty sore now though.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gonna be sore tomorrow

For the first time in a little over a month, I felt health enough to get back to the gym. Fight bouts of sickness and side/back pain seem to now be over.

In any event, I ran 1.25 miles and then lifted for the first time in 10 months. I did worked my chest, arms, and legs. Needless to say, I am sore now and will be even more sore tomorrow.

On a plus note, I don't feel any pain in my back or side and I feel like I am finally no longer sick. Time to kick this thing up a notch!