Training Calendar

My training week starts on Monday and runs through Sunday.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mini triathlon

This morning, as intended I got up and swam, biked and ran. I swam 1 mile to start off and I felt really strong for the entire swim. I think I finished it in about 30 minutes which is a great time for that swim. Then I went to spin class. Again, the whole ride felt really strong and easy. When the instructor said to take rest breaks, I always turned up the resistance and simulated a hill.

Then I hit the treadmill but pretty quickly realized my right achilles and calf shooting a sharp pain on impact with the treadmill. I wanted to get in a 5k but instead settled for 1.3 miles. I think things were a little sore because I need my new shoes and I ran 11.5 miles yesterday.

I ran 25.37 miles this week, so overall a pretty good week anyways. Tomorrow will be a lift and swim day.

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