Training Calendar

My training week starts on Monday and runs through Sunday.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Swim Time Trial

Tonight I managed to get in a lift (abs, chest, biceps, triceps, squats, hamstrings, calf raises). That didn't take too long but then I hit the pool.

The goal for tonight was to swim 42 laps. The pool at the gym is 25 yards so I swam 2100 yards or 1.19 miles. It took me right around 47 minutes. I think that was a pretty good time for the first time ever swimming over a mile.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Workouts

This weekend was nice and busy full of training.

On Saturday, I woke up nice and early to get in the pool before spin class started at 830. I managed to swim a half mile in about 20 minutes and then went to spin class for an hour.

Then today, I woke up at 8 to get ready for the Groundhog Run 10k race. I ran the race with an official time of 54:42. I felt really good during the run and got more comfortable as I went. I managed to keep my last mile and a half pretty faster averaging about 8 min/mile for that period.

Friday, January 28, 2011

10k Practice

Tonight was a great running night. I managed to get in a 10k run in preparation for Sunday. I know I shouldn't have run that far tonight but it overall it was good to get the miles in. Then I did an ab workout, chest, biceps and tricep lift.

I ended up taking yesterday off and just stretching as I was fairly sore from Wednesday events. Tomorrow, I plan to go to the gym in the morning and get in a swim and then go to spin class. I Just got the cleats for the spin bikes at 24 hour fitness so I can try those out tomorrow.

Then on Sunday, it will be time to run like a groundhog at the Groundhog Run 10k up north.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Triathlon Practice

Tonight, I showed up a little late to get my swim in before spin class, so I had to start off with 50 minutes of spin. Then I followed that up with a 20 minute, 2.3 mile run. After finishing the run, I hit the pool and managed to get a half mile swim in.

Overall it was a pretty good night spending right about 2 hours at the gym.

Tomorrow I plan on waking up for spin class at 530 and then lifting after that. But we will see what my body says in 6 hours.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rise and Shine 5 miler

I woke up early this morning and hit the gym at 6. I started off by running 5 miles and then did my lift routine. It consisted of abs, bench, bicep curls, tricep extensions, squats, leg extensions and calf raises.

I am feeling pretty great this morning.

Monday, January 24, 2011

1 Mile Swim

Tonight, I swam 1 mile without stopping. It felt like one of my best swims ever.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pool Closed

The pools was closed for maintenance today, so I ran 2.5 miles and then got in a lift.

Tomorrow, I plan on doing a long swim. I am thinking at least 1 mile.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ride and Run

Today was a great workout. I did 45 min of spin class which probably equated out to somewhere between 15 and 18 miles. Then I ran 5 miles. This was definitely the biggest back to back workout I have done yet.

Tomorrow I will be looking forward to a 3/4 mile swim, lifting and some amount of running(at least 20 min).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Need some rest tomorrow

The last 2 days have been really good workouts and I am pretty much ready for the rest day tomorrow.

Yesterday, I started off swimming a half mile, then I proceeded to lift and worked chest, biceps, triceps, squats, leg extensions, calf raises and abs. Then I finished by running for 20 minutes

Today, I started off running 3 miles and then swam 5/8 mile.

Needless to say, I might get some pretty good rest tonight and tomorrow and be ready to hit it hard again on Saturday.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2 more good workouts

Last night, I started off on the rowing machine for 8 minutes. Then I started my weight routine consisting of abs, chest, biceps, triceps, squats, leg extensions, calf raises. Then I finished up in the pool by swimming 3/8 mile.

This morning I got up early and hit the treadmill. I ran 3 miles. It was a little tough and slow, I think mainly because it was 630am and I hadn't run that distance in over a month. But regardless, I will continue to increase my distance as I prepare for the IU Half Marathon with Mike in April. At least I feel pretty confident that I can run the groundhog run next weekend.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good Weekend Workouts

Yesteday was a good workout. Kyle aka Deester came to the gym and worked out with me. I ran 2.27 miles and continued my new lifting regime. I woke up this morning a little sore so I skipped the morning workout in lieu of an afternoon workout.

I got to the gym today and ran 1.75 miles, rowed for 6 minutes and then swam a half mile.

This weekends workouts were a pretty big win in returning to the gym after illness. I also managed to find some nice bike shoes on clearance at Dick's for 45$ and I ordered cleats from amazon. My dad will be sending me his old trainer and I am going to start riding in my house until the until the roads no longer have snow on them.

The half iron man is looking a little bleak right now, but I am not ruling it out until I run the half marathon at IU with Mike in April, where I will be able to judge my fitness level.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Light day

Got in a light 1 mile run, rowed on the rowing machine for 6 minutes, and then swam .25 miles.

My arms and back are pretty sore now though.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gonna be sore tomorrow

For the first time in a little over a month, I felt health enough to get back to the gym. Fight bouts of sickness and side/back pain seem to now be over.

In any event, I ran 1.25 miles and then lifted for the first time in 10 months. I did worked my chest, arms, and legs. Needless to say, I am sore now and will be even more sore tomorrow.

On a plus note, I don't feel any pain in my back or side and I feel like I am finally no longer sick. Time to kick this thing up a notch!