Training Calendar

My training week starts on Monday and runs through Sunday.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

40 mile ride after work

Tonight was awesome. I got over to Longview Lake by 5:30 and was able to get my ride started at 5:34. I rode 40 miles at 19.5 mph. This was an extremely long ride for a week night. My legs were still a little sore, left over from this weekend. I couldn't/didn't want to ride super hard because of that. I think if I had felt 100% I could have done better than 20 or 21 mph but everything was a little more brutal tonight. Flatland wasn't as easy and hills were definitely harder. I think this kind of training is really good for me though because it sets me in the mindset that I can keep going even when things are a little sore. It also helps me build my endurance even further. I am considering taking Friday off but I will wait and see how things go tomorrow and how I feel when I wake up on Friday morning but I don't anticipate that there will be much soreness remaining.

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