Training Calendar

My training week starts on Monday and runs through Sunday.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

7 mile run and pushups

I am in Florida today with Shari until Tuesday. This morning before leaving I managed to get a 7 mile run on the treadmill. I ran mile long intervals at 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 7.5, 7, and 7mph. It was a good run overall and I was happy to get it in this morning before leaving.

Tonight after we travel through Atlanta and on to Orlando, I did my 100 pushup challenge pushups for the day. My sets were 20, 25, 15, 15, 25+. I got in 30 as my final set though for a total of 105 pushups today.

Pullups and Trainer Ride

No swim this morning but I still did pullups at work. My 5 sets today were 7,6,5,4,5+. I ended up with 7 for my last set so that was pretty good and brought my total to 30 for the day. I did a couple extra wide arm ones for fun.

Tonight I hopped on the trainer. My training plan called for 35 miles but I didn't really have enough time to get that in completely cause of some work stuff that happened, causing me to stay until 8. I still managed to ride 28 miles and get my weekly bike mileage to 75 miles this week.

Time to sleep for 6 hours so I can get up and run 7 miles before flying to Florida until Tuesday. I plan on getting in some running but my updates might not come until Tuesday.

Friday, February 24, 2012


It was a long day today. I had a conference call at work early so I had to be in by 630 meaning my swim and shower had to be done by 6. I swam 1250 yards. I had 200 yards stroke work, 50 yards kick and another 50 yards stroke work. Then I moved on to do an 800 yard set and a 150 yard cooldown. Efficiency is getting better and my team is staying close to the same now right around 1:50/100.

Then I did pushups at work. I got reset to Week 3, Day 1, Level 3 today. I had 5 sets of 14, 18, 14, 14, 20+. My last set I managed to do 32. I waited a little bit longer and then did an additional 20 decline pushups.

Tonight I got in an aerobic 5 mile run. My hr started to climb a little bit towards to 4th mile, so I lowered the pace to a little and then picked it back up once I got below 150. Easy run tonight but I felt pretty bored being on the treadmill :(

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pullups and Ride

No morning cardio workout today, but I did do pullups. I did my 5 sets of 6,5,6,5,6+ with me being able to do 7.5 on the last set.

Then I got in two rides. The first was a 9 miler by myself at around 20.4 mph and the second was a 18 mile group ride at Johnny Bruscos at 19.6 mph. Both rides were great and my legs felt a lot stronger than I thought they would. I love getting outside for rides.


Started off the morning with a 1250 yard swim. This swim consisted of a 300 yard warmup, 8 x 100 intervals and 150 yard cooldown.

Later, I did the 100 pushup challenge for today. Todays goal was to do as many as possible in 1 set. I manage to do 80. I think I could have done more if I hadn't swam this morning.

Tonight, I ran 5 miles on the track. Shari came too and calibrated her foot pod for her garmin. I started off way to fast, but I think that was because it was so flat. Ideally this run, should have been much slower overall but once I started going, I slowed a little but was not going to slow down enough.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Started off the day with 1000 yards in the pool. It consisted of a 300 yard warmup, 5 x 100 intervals with 15 seconds rest between and a 200 yard cooldown. Then I stretched in the hot tub afterwards.

At work I did my 20 pullup challenge sets for the day. Todays set of 5 was 6, 5, 4, 5, 6+. I only managed to get 6 as my final set. I think this might have been the most in a set I have done as part of this challenge and things are looking pretty positive to do 10+ as part of the testing set next week.

After dinner and some lounging I got on the trainer for an easy 20 mile ride. I started off a little harder than I should have/wanted to but I think that is because I was used to that. Today's ride was supposed to be easy below normal and I managed to get everything under control by mile 5.

Gotta swim, do some pushups and run tomorrow. Should be really nice out tomorrow night so that means I should be able to get outside for that.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

No cardio/new lift regimen

Today, I took a day off cardio and started my new lifting regimen. It consists of 2 sets of 15 of each of these lifts: squats, overhead press, deadlifts, barbell rows, barbell curls and lunges. I will do this 2 times a week and slowly increase the weight.

Today my weights were 135lbs for squats and deadlifts, 75 lbs for overhead press and barbell rows, 40 lb barbell curls and no weight for the lunges.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ride/Run Brick

Today's goal was 16.6 mile bike ride and 5 mile run.

I wanted to do both outside but due to the fact that I needed to get started by 10:30 or so and I didn't feel like popping off the training tire and getting ready for the road, I stayed indoors. I got in the 16.6 miles in just over an hour. As usual, making this event my first of the day, takes my legs a little bit to get warmed up (about 10 miles). Overall, the ride was good though.

Then I changed into some warm weather gear and got outside for the run. I ran 5.5 miles from my house to the gym where I met up with Shari. The run itself was at a comfortable pace right around 8:30 min/mile. My goal for the run was to just get in the 5 miles at whatever pace I felt was comfortable.

Adding stronglifts back in is definitely noticeable as my legs are a little bit up today.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Todays 20 pullup challenge required 5 sets of 4,4,4,4,6+. I managed to do 4,4,4,4,9 almost 10. I have 1 more week until my next max session. I feel like I might be able to do 13 or so during the max out session based on how things went today.

Later I did the 100 pushups challenge for the day. I had 9 sets of 13, 13, 17, 17, 16, 16, 14, 14, 50+. I managed to do 52 as my final set for a total of 172 pushups today. On Monday, I will be doing a max set and I am hoping to do 60+.

At the gym after work, I did strong lifts and swimming. My stronglifts for today were squats @ 200 lbs, bench press @ 125 lbs and barbell rows @ 145 lbs. Squats are getting really really hard but everything else is still cruising right along. My swim was 1300 yards total. I started with a 300 yard warmup and then moved to 7 100 yard intervals. Each interval was broken up by 30 seconds. Then I did 100 yards of kick and 200 yards of pull drills to finish up.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Run/Ride brick

Started off the night with a quick 3 mile run @ 7:27 pace. The run was nice and quick and the weather outside was really nice.

When I got home, I changed into bike shorts, ate a banana and some powergel and hopped on the trainer downstairs. I rode for 90 minutes trying to maintain an average cadence around 90 and speed over 16 mph. Both of which were good at 91 and 16.5 mph. The ride felt really really easy tonight. I think the combination of warming up my legs on the run and a lower cadence made this feel easy.

I also learned tonight that I will need to stop at the 20 and 40 mile markers to refill water during the half.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday Ride and Wednesday Swim/Lift/Run

On Tuesday morning, I got up early and got in a 30 minute ride on the trainer. I wanted this to be a short intense workout. I averaged 17.1 mph with an average cadence of 96. This was my highest average speed for any workout on my trainer yet.

This morning I started off in the pool. I swam 1000 yards and then did another 250 yards of kicking balance drills. I am really concentrating on my balance and that comes a lot from my legs.

I also did pullups, pushups and I am back on Stronglifts starting today. My 5 sets of pullups were 4, 4, 4, 3, 7. I had 9 sets of pushups, 14, 14, 15, 15, 14, 14, 10, 10, 44. 44 today was a lot easier than the 40 on monday. My stronglifts were squats @ 195 lbs, overhead press @ 115 lbs and deadlifts @ 230 lbs.

Then I jumped on the treadmill and ran 4 miles. I was hoping to run intervals today, but general fatigue from lifting and chlorine on the my skin from swimming this morning prevented that and I turned today into an aerobic day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pullups/Pushups/Trainer Ride

This morning, I wanted to swim but opted for some extra drive time into work instead. Stupid snow forcing me to be a little extra cautious.

I did pullups for the day around lunch time and manage to do 5 sets of 5, 4, 3, 4, 6. The last set called for 5+ but all I could get done were the 6 today. This afternoon, I did the hundred pushups challenge. Today's 5 sets were 25, 30, 20, 15 and 40. All was relatively easy except the last set. The last set took quite a while and was so much harder than I expected.

Tonight, I hopped on the trainer for 60 minutes. I
rode 16 miles. It was a little tough but I think that was due to the food I ate tonight and my stomach feeling a little off. Shari and I had taco salads and I don't think I will do that again before riding.

We will see what tomorrow morning brings. I am supposed to have the day off for the most part tomorrow but I am thinking I might hop on the trainer for 30-45 minutes in the morning.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Easy Run / Hard Swim

This morning, I got in an a 4 mile run with Shari. She managed to get a new PR by about 1:05 in 4 miles. The course was pretty flat but it was really cold. We had a good time and this was a good way to start off the week for both of us. I was especially proud of her for finishing strong. Her first and fourth mile splits were almost the same.

Later, I got in a hard swim. After reviewing the information from the Panama 70.3 today and seeing how Lance Armstrong did, I started comparing those numbers to mine and realized just how crappy a swimmer I am. I skipped a couple sections in the triathlon training bible I have been reading to find info about being a better swimmer. I found a a drill for balance (one of my biggest flaws) and dedicated today's swim to that. I ended up doing 1800 yards of freestyle. Plus a few more laps of just kicking. My new goal is to work a lot on balance until I have that resolve and then I can move on to other drills and get faster from there.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

No Saturday Morning Cartoons For Me...

However, there was a cool episode of Mythbusters on while I rode on the trainer. I started off today's ride/run brick with a 60 minute trainer ride. I averaged 16.3 mph with an average cadence of 100. Legs still felt fresh even after last night's 27 mile excursion.

After I finished that up, I went upstairs and changed into running clothes (I chose not to run in the 20 degree whether today) and drove to the gym. On the way, I ate a banana and a packet of peanut butter. I got to the gym and started running about 30 minutes after I finished riding. I ended up running 3.5 miles at an average pace around 8 min/mile. I was a little wary at first so my speed was lower, but I kept bumping it up so I could test my leg endurance even after the ride. Everything felt great and I could have run harder and longer without a problem. I didn't want to go past my weekly mileage goal though, so I stopped at 3.5 miles.

Last night and today were great mental days, as I felt like my biking might have been a little behind and I wasn't sure how my legs would fair on the treadmill after the ride. Needless to say, I don't feel like I am behind on anything now (well maybe swimming but thats because I am slow as dirt).

AM Swim/PM Bike

I started off the morning with a really easy 950 yard swim. I started off with a 150 yard warmup. Then I got out my pull buoy and pulled the rest of the way.

Before lunch I did pullups. My 5 sets of pullups today were 4, 4, 4, 3, 5+. I managed to end with 8 on the last set. That is definitely the most pullups I have ever done and I think the first milestone of being able to do 10 is coming up soon. Later in the afternoon, I did the pushup challenge status test. I was able to do 44 consecutive pushups. That is 10 more than last time, but not quite where I want to be to move on to Level 2, Week 6, so the system bumped me down to Level 1, Week 6, which is still 25, 30, 20, 15, 40 next time.

Tonight I lounged around until just after 10 when I decided it was time to hop on the trainer. I rode 27 miles in 100 minutes. It felt good and I only took 2 small breaks around the 30 and 60 minute marks. My average cadence was 90 on the dot, which was what I was shooting for for this ride.

Tomorrow I need to get in 16 miles on the bike and just over 3 miles of running to get my weekly totals biking and running.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Went to the gym after work for a swim/run brick.

I swam 1800 yards total. I started off with a 1600 yard swim at 1:52min/100 yard pace and then took a 1 minute break before finishing with a light 200 yard swim.

Then I showered off the chlorine and jumped on the treadmill. I ran 4 miles starting at 6 mph for the first half mile. Then I realized that my heart rate wasn't high enough for aerobic fitness, so I kicked it up to 6.5 mph and got my heart rate to a consistent 149 for the rest of the run. It looks like 6.5 mph is my new aerobic base speed :)

On a side note, I am taking the remainder of the week off from stronglifts and starting a new lifting regimen next week. I don't have it set in stone yet, but it will be 2 sets of 15 and include squats, deadlifts, and some other lifts I haven't decided on yet.


I started off the day with a 1400 yard swim. I broke it into 400 yard intervals and a 200 yard cooldown.

Then I did pushups and pullups during the day. I started with pullups. My sets sets called for 4, 3, 3, 4, 5+. I completed all the sets and got 6, almost 7 at the end. I finished Week 5, Day 3, Level 1 of the pushups challenge with 13, 13, 15, 15, 12, 12, 10, 30. 30 was nearly impossible at the end but I still managed to complete it. That got me to 120 total pushups today.

After work, I went to 24 fitness before coming home. I did stronglifts with squats @ 190 lbs, bench press @ 120 lbs and barbell rows @ 140 lbs. Then I finished the day on the treadmill. I ran 3.25 miles but I wanted to do 5. My legs felt like they were just falling apart. I think it was because of the squats. I am starting to think that I might move away from stronglifts soon and concentrate on a more triathlon specific weight regimen.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Working out all day long

I start off the day with Stronglifts this morning. I did squats @ 185 lbs, overhead press @ 110 lbs and dead lifts @ 220 lbs. I am thinking I might be ready to switch the lifts over to 2 sets of 15 or 3 sets of 12 soon though at lower weights.

Then I did pull ups around lunch time. Today I switched to the actuall 20 pullups challenge. I had 5 sets of pullups @ 4, 3, 2, 4 and 5 reps.

I rode 16.5 miles at Martin City tonight. Pretty easy distance and speed.

I finished the night off with pushups. It was an interesting set: 10, 10, 13, 13, 10, 10, 9, 25.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

4.25 mile interval run

Went to the gym with Shari today. She did elliptical while I ran on the treadmill. I got in a 4.25 mile interval run. My intervals were .5 miles of running at 9 mph and .25 mile recovery. It was a good run but I should have gotten outside. I didn't even realize how nice it was going to be outside today until it was too late....

Saturday, February 4, 2012

AM/PM Workouts

Got up at 7 am and got to the gym with Shari.

I started off with stronglifts. Squats @ 180 lbs, Bench Press @ 115 lbs and Barbell Rows @ 135 lbs. Then I ran 2.75 miles to complete my weekly mileage this week of 14 miles.

This afternoon, I started off with the 100 pushup challenge. I had sets of 17, 19, 15, 15 and 20. The last set of 20 was brutal. I didn't think there were any more in me at 10 but when you have a goal of 20, its easier to push to the end. Then I jumped in the pool for a 1200 yard swim. I varied up my intervals and speed a little trying to swim a couple intervals at 200 and 100. That once again, made me realize how slow a swimmer I am haha.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday/Friday Workouts

I missed posting my workout from Thursday so its getting lumped into today's post.

In any event, I started off at the gym before work with StrongLifts. I did squats @ 175 lbs, overhead press @ 105 lbs and deadlifts @ 210 lbs. Then I swamped it my swimsuit to get in a slower than average 1000 yard swim. I was basically just trying to get a decent swim in before work.

Later in the day, I went to the gym at work to do some pullups. This was supposed to be the first day to do 3 sets of 6. Needless to say, I cranked those out easy and went in for a fourth set. I got to 5 and I was done. So I worked the rest of the way down the ladder doing 4 more sets at 4, 3, 2, 1 for a total of 33 pullups.

That night at Shari's apartment, we both did our 100 pushup challenge reps. My goal for the day was to do as many pushups as I could to see what I had progressed to. I managed to do 34. That is up from the 24 that I did in the initial test 2 weeks ago.

This morning, I went to the gym with Shari up north near her apartment. I got in a quick 2 mile run. I wanted to do 3-4 but the treadmill was acting up and kept shutting down randomly, so I decided I would finish up my weekly mileage tomorrow morning.

Tonight, I got home and hopped on the trainer. I rode hard while watching Cowboys and Aliens. I got in 90 minutes with an average speed of 16.1 and an average cadence of 100. Heart rate still never broke 160, sorry Kevin :(

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

11 mile trainer ride

Woke up and rode the trainer for 11 miles this morning. Fairly easy and straight forward. Legs still recovering from Sunday. Tomorrow, I am planning a swim, lift, and possible light jog.